Dice Control Videos
- Dice Control Videos From Golden Touch Craps
- How To Throw Dice Consistently
- Best Way To Throw Dice In Craps
- Dice Control Videos
- Tony Leo Newest Dice Control Videos
- Golden Touch Dice Control Revolution
- Dice Control Craps Vimeo Videos
Video proof why Playing the Don't Pass is not an automatic win as suggested by many. John Scarne explains these are Percentage dice. Furthermore, Aaron Hightower on Wizard of Vegas.com explained: 'Here's an image to explain the exposure. This is modeled from random outcomes from theoretically biased 9,8,8,8,8,9 dice. You can find more detail in other threads. But this shows the. Control the Dice: New audio CD teaches players how to control the mind as they control the dice! Successful dice control combines two essential elements, the physical skill to overcome the house edge and the mental capacity to carry through your training at the tables. The first one, promoted by Frank Scoblete and Golden Touch Craps, says that if the dice are set properly, thrown on axis with synchronicity, and don't hit the pyramid-studded back wall (or at most just 'kiss' it lightly with a dead-cat bounce), it is possible to exert a sufficient degree of control of the dice to achieve a positive ev.
Dom 'the Dominator'
The nickname for one of the greatest and most fiery dice-controllers of all time. Dominator plays in the casinos around the country.
- Learn how to control dice from the men who mastered this technique. Our dice control video will teach you everything you need to know in order to beat the casino's. This DVD will have you learning the secrets of dice control right away. At a fraction of the cost of our seminars this is the perfect way to begin your dice control training.
- Manipulating the roll of the dice (Dice Control or Dice Setting) is one of the most common methods for cheating in Craps. Holding the dice in a particular grip or throwing it in a certain manner lets players can gain a crucial edge over the house and other players at the table.
Graduated with degrees in both biology and math, Dominator knows his way around the numbers and around a craps table. He is a lead instructor in the Golden Touch dice control classes and has his own sports service. www.goldentouchcraps.com/SportsService
He is co-author of the books Casino Craps: Shoot to Win! and Cutting Edge Craps: Advanced Strategies for Serious Players!
Dominator is a frequent contributor our Golden Touch™ private web site where his insights and observations have earned him the respect of craps players worldwide. His feature column is Dominators Domain at www.goldentouchcraps.com/monthlyarticles.shtml.
Dominator has appeared on television, defeating the casinos on the A&E network and demonstrating his amazing roll on the Travel Channel. In addition, the History Channel did a complete show about him for their Beating Vegas series, which was called 'The Dice Dominator: www.goldentouchcraps.com/HistoryChannel.shtml. He is also a featured speaker at many conventions.
Dominator writes for Southern Gaming and Destinations magazine. He is featured in the Golden Touch™: Beat Craps by Controlling the Dice! DVD.
He is a member of the famous Five Horsemen craps team, and the person who got the four founders of Golden Touch Craps together to form the company Golden Touch Craps.
Dominator is a multiple member of our 40-roll club, 50-roll club, 60-roll club, 70-roll club, and 80 roll club.
See World Records at: www.goldentouchcraps.com/worldrecords.php4
Bob 'Mr. Finesse'
Deceased September 22, 1945 - November 26, 2016
Mr. Finesse is known as 'old eagle eye' for his talent for spotting the minutest deviation in even an expert's throw. He visits Vegas often and plays frequently at Foxwoods and Atlantic City. He is one of the smoothest and most accomplished dice teachers who can help most students unleash their best performances.
He is a frequent contributor to our Golden Touch™ private web site where his name conjures nothing but respect from his former and future students.
Mr. Finesse is the head of the GTC tune-ups program, and one of the four founders of Golden Touch Craps.
Mr. Finesse is a multiple member of our 40-roll club and 50-roll club.
See World Records at: www.goldentouchcraps.com/worldrecords.php4
Bill 'Ace-10' Burton
Deceased July 2 1952 - July 3, 2013
The author of the best-selling books 1000 Best Casino Gambling Secrets and Get the Edge at Low-Limit Texas Hold'em, Bill plays frequently at Foxwoods, Atlantic City and Las Vegas. He is also a part of Dominators Sports Service doing computer studies of the games.
Bill was the head of the GTC Mentor program, and one of the four founders of Golden Touch Craps.
He wrote for Casino Player, Strictly Slots, Midwest Gaming and Travel, Southern Gaming and Destinations, www.casinocitytimes.com, and his column Burton About Poker can be found on our main pages at: www.goldentouchcraps.com/burton.shtml.
One of the most knowledgeable gambling writers in the country, he was featured in the DVD Golden Touch™: Beat Craps by Controlling the Dice! www.goldentouchcraps.com/GTCDVD.shtml. Bill was known for his concentration and light touch. He was also a featured speaker at various Gamblers Jamborees.
Bill Burton is a multiple member of our 40-roll club.
See World Records at: www.goldentouchcraps.com/worldrecords.php4
Billy 'the Kid'
His dice shooting skills are those of a master gunfighter. He's been playing craps for several decades with remarkable results. Billy is an expert in the odds and edges of craps and also an expert in blackjack.
Billy is a featured speaker at various Gamblers Jamborees. He is also a master card counter at blackjack. He is a respected contributor to our Golden Touch™ private web site.
Billy teaches both the Elite Video Analysis and Advanced Dice Control classes.
Billy the Kid is a multiple member of our 40-roll club.
See World Records at: www.goldentouchcraps.com/worldrecords.php4
Daryl 'No Field Five'
A dentist by profession, an expert dice controller by ability, No Field Five has been teaching with Golden Touch™ since the very beginning. He plays often in Atlantic City and in Las Vegas. He has a very soft touch and a serene demeanor, two ingredients necessary for becoming an elite player, which he is.
No Field Five created and is the lead teacher in the extraordinary 'Elite Video Analysis' course. (www.goldentouchcraps.com/classschedule.shtml). He is also one of our Advanced Class instructors.
No Field Five is a frequent and respected contributor to our Golden Touch™ private web site. No Field Five adheres strictly to the math of the game and is one of the most consistent dice controllers you will ever encounter.
No Field Five is a multiple member of our 40-roll club and our 50-roll club.

See World Records at: www.goldentouchcraps.com/worldrecords.php4
Arman 'Pit Boss'
Pit Boss was the record-holding no-sevens contest winner for a long time with 39 rolls before the seven appeared. He is now the runner-up. He is an excellent teacher and a shooter with a light touch and strong concentration.
He is an expert in body-alignment and proper weight distribution for successful throws.
He plays often in Las Vegas. He is a frequent, respected contributor to the Golden Touch™ private web site. Pit Boss is also a featured speaker atvarious Gamblers Jamborees.
Pit Boss runs a 'casino party' group that will bring casino games with professional dealers to your house or organization for fund-raising activities and fun-raising activities. He lives in California.
Arman 'Pit Boss' is a multiple member of our 40-roll club and 50-roll club.
See World Records: www.goldentouchcraps.com/worldrecords.php4
Nick 'At Night'
A prized commodity an elite left-handed shooter, perhaps the best lefty playing today! He was member of the Five Horsemen craps team.
Nick visits Las Vegas and Atlantic City many times each year and is a high limit player and an expert on comps. He also plays frequently in the Midwest and is currently training his three beautiful grandchildren to become 'future no-sevens contest winners.'
His business, ASE Blue Seal, was selected for the Award as Top 10 auto/truck repair shop in the nation for service and excellence. Nick is a dedicated teacher and an excellent and consistent dice controller.
Nick-at-Night is a multiple member of our 40-roll club and 50-roll club.
See World Records: www.goldentouchcraps.com/worldrecords.php4
Pat 'Dr. Crapology'
Affectionately known as Doc, he has been an active member in GTC for many years. He uses the dice as a surgeon would a scalpel on an operating table to slice and dice the game and let the chips build up in the chip rails for himself and everyone else.
Doc is also an accomplished card counter at blackjack. He plays both craps and blackjack in casinos all over the United States on a regular basis with his lovely wife, our Instructor 'Alligator' Rose. These two are a devastating advantage-play couple. Dr. Crapology's greatest roll thus far was a 72.
Doc is a member of the 40-roll club, 50-roll club, 60-roll club and 70-roll club.
See World Records: www.goldentouchcraps.com/worldrecords.php4
'Alligator' Rose
A real estate agent in Texas, 'Alligator' Rose is truly the real deal when it comes to advantage dice control. She and her husband, Dr. Crapology, are one of several Golden Touch husband/wife teams now playing in the casinos all over America.
She is a serious student of the game with a fine eye for proper throwing techniques. As a teacher, one of her favorite beliefs is that to become a better teacher you never stop being a student yourself.

She is a multiple member of the 40-roll club and 50-roll club.
See World Records at: www.goldentouchcraps.com/worldrecords.php4
Matt 'Sandman'
Matt has been a long-time member of the GTC family and his involvement over the years started with meeting one GTC member during his first class to now having over 40+ members he frequently contacts and organizes regular trips for (the Northeast Crew).
Outside of the craps world, he is Chief Financial Officer and his background helps feed his desire for math, precision, repetition, and diligence for following the rules (especially the GTC rules).
One hobby he felt was a natural compliment to craps was bowling. Often thought of by friends as sandbagging, he was nicknamed Sandman after bowling 300 on his first game back after a 3 month layoff from when he suffered a broken back. Needless to say, hes an avid bowler with multiple 300 games and frequently uses his experience when helping students understand grip, backswing, follow-through, concentration and other aspects of game.
A multiple member of the 40-roll club and 50-roll club
Michael 'Midnight'
Michael is an avid player of the game. He learned to play in the course of one night in Atlantic City, the weekend of his 21st birthday, and has never looked back since. He is a family man who married his junior high school sweetheart and continued to have three amazing boys with her. Michael and Debbie spent two years living in Aruba. After 2 weeks of spending his days on the beach, Michael got bored and got a job as a craps dealer in the largest hotel/casino on the island. It was there that he learned the ins and outs of the game as well as what the table looks like from the other side. It is here that he brings a service to his students, by helping them learn the correct payoffs and odds on the layout.
Michael owns the largest stocking flooring retail and design center in Westchester County, NY. He and his mom own the store together. He also owns numerous real estate investment properties with his wife. He has also been able to take advantage of the real estate down turn by buying foreclosures and turning them around. During his free time, Michael loves teaching the game of craps to others and loves nothing more then spending the day with his wife and three boys.
A multiple member of the 40-roll club and 50-roll club
'Missouri' Rick
MoRick understands the fundamentals and math of the game and is an excellent shooter with a beautiful, soft shot.
He has a Masters in Business Administration and is a medic currently working in Afghanistan. MoRick is a frequent contributor to our private Golden Touch web site where his insightful and highly humorous posts are must reads. He is also a professor of nursing in college, an EMT worker, and loves working with new GTC students.
'Missouri' Rick is a multiple member of our 40-roll club and our 60-roll club.
See World Records: www.goldentouchcraps.com/worldrecords.php4
Marilyn 'The Goddess'
GTC gave her this moniker because she truly is our Goddess, and has helped us in many different areas. She and her husband Sandtrap were the first students of GTC in January of 2002. She knew nothing about the game of craps then and is now a highly successful advantage-player and teacher at the game. (Aside: Her husband Sandtrap recently rolled a 90 before sevening out, which places him fifth on the all-time record list!)
The Goddess is a frequent contributor to the GTC private web site. Her feature column on our main page is The Goddess Speaks. She plays often in Atlantic City, occasionally in Las Vegas, adheres strictly to the GTC 20 commandments, and also plays the Golden Touch Blackjack Speed Count and Pai Gow poker. She is a member of the Boardwalk Rollers dice team.
The Goddess was the first female player to join the 50-roll club and her greatest roll was 56. She holds the World Record for five 30-plus rolls back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back (passing the Dominator).
The Goddess is a multiple member of the 40-roll club and the 50-roll club.
See World Records: www.goldentouchcraps.com/worldrecords.php4
Randy 'Randman'
Randman was the winner of the Hiltons $100,000 craps tournament. He is also an expert poker player.
He is in charge of the Golden Touch casino craps listings where you can find out the essentials of most of the casinos in the country by checking this list out at www.goldentouchcraps.com/CrapsComparison.htm.
Randman is a frequent and valued contributor to our Golden Touch private web site.
He has a beautiful shot that fits his body like a diving suit. Students praise his care and understanding of their needs and desires as they begin their dice control careers.
Randman is a multiple member of our 40-roll club and 50-roll club.

See World Records: www.goldentouchcraps.com/worldrecords.php4
An avidgoldprospector and treasure hunter, he applies his talent to prospecting the casinos and their craps tables. A student of the game. He follows the math of the game and has become a fine come better. He has an excellent shot and is a multiple member of the 40 roll club the 50 roll club and the 60 roll club.
After many years of coaching sports. He has a real understanding of how to teach craps players.
Barry plays weekly in Colorado. He is a member of the Butch and Lefty gang.
A multiple member of the 40-roll club and 50-roll club
Lee 'Section Eight'
He has been a contributing member of the Golden Touch private web site for the many years. He has put thousands of hours of practice into being a consistent dice controller and records many of the West Coast Crew's throws in slow motion video for resolving issues.
Section Eight writes a regular column for www.casinocitytimes.com
In his private life, Section Eight is a Chief Information Officer of a global technology company and holds a Bachelors of Arts in Russian Linguistics. Hes been a translator and has worked in the intelligence community.
Section Eight is a member of the West Coast Crew and frequents Vegas. In his time away from the tables, Section Eight has been seen on TV in such shows as Bones, In Case of Emergency, Greys Anatomy, and 24.
Section Eight is a multiple member of the 40-roll club and 50-roll club.
See World Records: www.goldentouchcraps.com/worldrecords.php4
Dice Control Videos From Golden Touch Craps
Raf 'Rafter'
Rafter is a member of the West Coast Crew. He visits Las Vegas regularly. Rafter is a GTC Primer, Refresher, and Advanced course graduate and has been tops in all of these classes. He is extremely consistent and has had many monster rolls.
He contributes regularly on the private message board, and two of his posts have won the 'Post of the Month' award.
When not playing craps, Rafter is an Engineer at a major aerospace company and is also working on his Masters degree in Quality Assurance. He has quickly become a favorite of students for his understanding of their fright in taking those first steps towards advantage-play.
A multiple member of the 40-roll club and 50-roll club
Tommy 'Two Names'

A retired 39-year veteran of the Postal Service, our mailman is always looking to deliver priority rolls at the craps tables. A frequent visitor to Las Vegas, hes been involved with GTC for years and is an acknowledged advantage-player.
Tommy 'Two Names' was originally a left-hander converted to a right-hander during a refresher course in 2007. 'Two Names' has been an extremely hard worker who has developed an excellent throw. He is also a proud member of the West Coast Crew.
Tommy 'Two Names' is a multiple member of the 40-roll club.
See World Records: www.goldentouchcraps.com/worldrecords.php4
A multiple member of the 40-roll club and 50-roll club
Fred 'Chip'
Fred has been a dice controller for many years now He was an original student of GTC, and plays often in the South and in other venues. He is a soft-spoken, excellent teacher who can help novices who are having difficulties with their grips and swings.
He is a respected contributor to the Golden Touch™ private web site. He is also a trainer of Tennessee walking horses and an expert in poker.
'Chip' is a multiple member of our 40-roll club and 50-roll club.
See World Records: www.goldentouchcraps.com/worldrecords.php4
John 'Glue Factory'
Over a decade ago he started playing craps because of his mother and she is also the reason why he joined GTC. He works as an accounting manager and in sales for an advertising agency. He also owns his own restaurant.
He uses his math and physics background in every aspect of craps from throwing the dice to betting techniques. He teams up with his mother for weekend trips to AC and Vegas. Theirs is an advantage-play gene pool for sure!
He is always willing to help out anyone that has a problem with their throw and can usually pinpoint the error after a few throws.
A multiple member of the 40-roll club and 50-roll club
Vera Sanchez
Vera Sanchez belongs to a distinctive group in the largely male world of craps. She is a female ambidextrous dice controller, who is a member of the Dream Team. She is the youngest GTC intern and a frequent contributor to the GTC private website, where she relates craps to sports, including football, baseball, and basketball. Her unique writing style has earned her Post of the Month honors. She frequently visits Las Vegas, Laughlin, and Mexico to improve her craps game.
Vera was born and raised in San Diego. She graduated from San Diego State University with a Bachelors degree in English and a Masters degree in Education. She is currently an English professor at Grossmont College and the award-winning author of the Amazon #1 best-selling memoir, Prison Letters: Walking to Honor. She is writing her second novel, Tales from a Bathroom Stall, set to release in 2015.
She is a multiple member of the 20-roll club, 30-roll club, and 50-roll club.
How To Throw Dice Consistently
'Boxcar' Boris
A long-time member of the GTC family, Boris is in charge of our brochures and flyers. He is an excellent dice controller and one of the funniest players you will ever meet at a table. Yes, he can talk to the dice and, appallingly, he claims the dice talk back to him!
Boris is a fun teacher who concentrates on getting students to use their own unique gifts to the best of their abilities. He lightens the atmosphere in everything he does.
'Boxcar' Boris is a multiple member of our 40-roll club and our 50-roll club.
See World Records: www.goldentouchcraps.com/worldrecords.php4
John 'The Rolling Rooster'
A serious student who has never been chicken to tackle all of our classes. He is not a feather-weight but understands the full mechanics of the throw. Even before he was fully trained his throw was nothing like your normal chicken feeders throw. This man will become a future cock of the craps walk!
He is a hard worker and students like his nose to the grindstone approach. He wants all of his students to fly away from the chicken coop and become winning dice controllers. He believes if students practice hard, they will never get egg on their faces.
John 'Skinny'
Best Way To Throw Dice In Craps
Called 'the genius of GTC' for his amazingly well-researched posts on craps and other topics on our private Golden Touch™ web site. He is an expert on the math of casino games as well.
Skinny has his own column The Skinny from Skinny on our main page which is a must read: www.goldentouchcraps.com/skinny.shtml. If you have a question about craps or 'anything,' Skinny may be the man to answer it.
He made excellent contributions to Frank and Doms new book, Cutting Edge Craps: Advanced Strategies for Serious Players!
Skinny plays frequently in Atlantic City and Las Vegas. He is a member of the Five Horsemen craps team with Frank Scoblete, Dominator, Nick-at-Night and Stickman.
Dice Control Videos
Skinny is a multiple member of our 40-roll club and 50-roll club.
See World Records: www.goldentouchcraps.com/worldrecords.php4
Dice Control Guides
Related Articles:
I wrote a about a few tips in my main dice setting guide but I will go though a few more that I did not mention and explain in further detail on how to get better at controlling the dice. Much of this advice will be helpful to get you into a good state of mind when going to the casino and to become more confident in your skills once you have already learned the basics.
The first thing you will notice when you place craps is the social environment which involves lots of noise, excitement and also distractions. This is one thing that novice players need to get used to. Even intermediate and advanced players can get caught up and lose concentration of their dice throwing abilities. So the first tip and word of advice is to start off by wagering the minimum table limit bet until you get warmed up enough.
A few things to look for when you are warming up are to see how far the dice bounce after hitting the opposite padded wall. If they are really bouncy, this is bad. If they do not bounce as much, then the dice and table are good to stay at. Sometimes casinos change the padding or the clothed felt on the table and this can alter the way the dice get thrown. The more they bounce around, the less control you have. Once you find a good table, it is best to stick with that table and keep going there whenever you play at the casino.
One thing to watch for is when the dealer changes the dice. The dice eventually get worn down and need to be replaced with ones with sharp edges and corners as well as crisp faces. Typically the dice will be changed at the end of a shift. It turns out that these fresh dice are great for dice setting and you can get more control because they have a good grip and have a good reaction when they hit the table or wall. They even work better when players try to use the backspin technique. So it is a good tip to join and throw the dice when they are fresh.
Now for a few tips regarding the social aspects of the game. Typically, players will side up with the shooter and bet for them to win. These players are known as 'right' players since they bet with the shooter on the pass line and come bar. So naturally, these players are going to be cheering on the shooter (the person throwing the dice) for them to win.
So if you are a 'wrong' player, you would be better on the don't pass and don't come bets, which are against the shooter. Many times you will also be betting against everyone else there too. Honestly though, the don't pass line bet is better than the pass line bet in terms of house edge and mathematical probabilities, so it is up to you if you want to give into peer pressure or follow the best odds. Eventually, you may get people to walk away from the table which will speed up the game. This is beneficial for dice setters since they get more chances at throwing the dice when there are fewer people around.
The best advantage to a dice setter is to be in control of the dice as much as possible. That means being the shooter and throwing many rolls per hour. In order to do this, it would be best to play on a table with fewer people so that you get your turn at the dice more often. There are some advantages to playing on a table that is crowded though. This is because there are possibly other shooters who know how to control the dice as well and you can make some more money wagering on them. Still, you will want to make sure they have good skills or those equal or better to your own.
Another thing to be cautious of is playing on a table with no other players except yourself. If you are alone, then you will be under the exclusive watchful eye of 4 dealers. This is one of the disadvantages of playing on an empty table. The advice is to bring a friend or a few friends with you or just play on a more crowded table. Otherwise you do not want to draw too much attention from the wrong people. If you move onto a new crowded table, bet with the shooter if you want to take your turn at the dice relatively quickly.
In case you were wondering, a typical craps table goes through about 50 to 100 rolls per hour and sometimes 150 if things are going fast. Most of the time is used when dealers have to collect and pay out the winnings. To speed things up, look for table that doesn't offer complicated bets or has fewer bets on the layout. Also, do not make odd sized prop bets. Make bets in whole numbers or even numbers like $10 or $20 instead of $5.50 or $17. This will make it easier for the dealers to pay out the bets and give you more throws per hour.
Tipping the dealer in craps is extremely good etiquette since these dealers have to do a lot of work compared to other casino games. If you tip the dealer, they will also go above and beyond for you as well. Some benefits that the stickman will do for you is align the dice and set them in your usual way before give you the dice. They may also offer other gaming advice such as if accidently made the wrong bet.
Tips and Advice for Precision Shooter Dice Setting
Tony Leo Newest Dice Control Videos
If you are a precision shooter, there are a few things you should pay attention to since these tips can greatly improve your dice control at a specific craps table. One of the first things you should look for is if there is any padding under the table felt. Believe it or not, thicker and softer padding is actually better than no padding at all. The soft padding will have the effects of 'grabbing' the dice and keeping them from moving too much, which is a major goal for precision dice control.
Golden Touch Dice Control Revolution
One way to check the padding is to listen to the dice. If they making a crackling noise like hitting wood or something hard, then this is bad padding. You can also test it by touching the table with your finger. Ideally, the dice should make almost no noise when they hit the table, which is a great indicator of soft padding.
The age of the felt itself is also a big factor in precision dice setting. Usually, the older the table, the better. This is because the older felt gets worn and tends to get the dice to stick on it. This is ideal for dice control because you want the dice to cease movement quickly in order to get better control of them. One thing to note is that the felt gets changed about once per year usually and it is good advice to wait about one or two months after new felt comes in if you want extra precision.
Believe it or not, even table lengths can be a factor. A normal craps table is about 12 feet long but some are 14 feet and others are even smaller. This is only a factor that depends on what table you like best. If you prefer the long table, go for it. Typically, dice setters can adapt to new tables as well. Now for some of the bets on the table, the free odds bet is one of the best in the house. Obviously my best tip is to wager the maximum allowed odds and this applies to both precision shooters and just regular craps players.
Dice Control Craps Vimeo Videos
Normally, the rules of the game require that you throw the dice hard enough to hit the other end of the table. There are pyramid shaped bumps on the padding along the walls of the craps table. These bumps are to ensure even more randomness of the throw by altering the axis of your dice when they bounce off these surfaces. One way to counteract this effect is to learn how to put a backspin on the dice. When doing a backspin, you want the dice to make contact with the table before hitting these pyramids in order to counteract the forward momentum properly.
A problem might arise if you have a short height. The original craps table was designed for taller players and this can make it harder to lean over the table and throw the dice properly. This actually makes it harder for everyone to control the dice as well and this is not an uncommon problem. Don't hesitate to ask the casino for a block or step stool to stand on as a platform. Casinos are usually aware of this kind of problem and they have these platforms readily available upon request.
Following all of these tips will greatly improve your craps game and dice control skills. They will also make your experience much more enjoyable and less stressful as this awesome game should be anyways.
Play craps online at Cherry Jackpot.